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Marketing Technology &
E-Commerce Conference.

The Future of Brand Marketing, Martech & E-Commerce.

31st May, 2024


Learn how breakthrough technologies like AI, predictive analytics, AR/VR and more can create hyper-personalized, omnichannel customer experiences.

Gain insights from top brand marketing leaders and startups advancing innovative commerce capabilities and marketing models.

Network with marketing leaders and pioneers shaping the future of brand marketing across Nigeria and beyond.

Takeaway proven strategies and tactical guides for leveraging data, emerging channels, and digital engagement techniques to acquire, convert and retain high-value customers.

Take back actionable strategies to futureproof your marketing plans and become an advocate for marketing innovation at your company.

Get early access to the latest marketing technologies before competitors do and discover new tactics to engage digitally-savvy customers and drive online sales.


Ekeno Eyo

Managing Director, Redwolf Company Limited

Femi Olaiya

Femi Olaiya

CEO, Neighbourhood Outdoor Ltd

Tosin Adekoya

Tosin Adekoya

Head, Digital and Direct Marketing, FCMB

Chinonso Egemba

Dr. Chinonso Egemba

Medical Influencer/Content Creator

Akintayo Akinseloyin

Akintayo Akinseloyin

Marketing Lead, BWPC Future Core, Unilever, West Africa

Lanre Basamta

CEO/Co-founder, Optimus AI Labs

Tosin Balogun

Tosin Balogun

Head, Strategy & Planning, Insight Publicis, West Africa

Asogwa Alexandra

Alexandra Asogwa

Lifestyle influencer, Film Maker

Stanislaus Martins

Managing Director, Aleph Group, West Africa

Jiani Chen

Head, Sales & Strategic Partnership, Transsion Mobile Internet- West Africa

Temitope Ekundayo

CEO, Printivo

Oluwaponmile Alabi

Marketing Manager, Indomie

Chukwudi Uketui

Commercial Director, Eskimi - West and Central Africa

Orakwe John, MBA

Orakwe John, MBA

AI Programs Lead, Takedia Institute

Ojeakhena Victor

Ojeakhena Victor

Head, Strategy & Biz Expansion, Accret Experience - EMEA

Onyeka Orji

Senior Manager, Digital, DSTV

SaintGermain Onwukeme

CEO, Cybertron Ads

Unekwu Nwaezeapu

Marketing Communications & Brand Experience Consultant

Emmanuel Inyang

Asst Brand Manager, Hypo Homecare Products

Kenneth Iruonagbe

Group Head, Digital and Brand Comms, Tolaram

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